Why we chose the name Horion

Why we chose the name Horion


Man has always been in search of that perfect harmony with the cosmos, the fusion between earth and sky, the fusion between finite and infinite, through an ordered and coherent light that illuminates consciences, transforming man from sapiens to iluminescens.

The Orion Nebula, a vast region of stars formation, is perhaps the most famous of cosmic clouds. The Orion Nebula can be spotted with the naked eye near the Belt formed by the famous three stars of the Orion constellation.
Believed to be the cosmic fire of creation by the Maya of Mesoamerica, it is found halfway in the Sword of Orion, the sword held by the warrior who advances and observes distant horizons, aiming at his objectives.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Horion Studios produces documentaries, films, musical products, editorials and organizes events; through entertainment, it achieves it's own goals.

It was born from the idea of Paola Bizarri (spiritual researcher, writer, trainer, coach, producer) to bring a new contribution to improving and renewing the world of creative arts, in various fields: cultural, humanistic, spiritual, evolution, medicine.
Horion Studios collaborates with several national and international qualified directors and film makers.

The world of art and communication goes hand in hand with the new needs of an audience, now more than ever, looking for special dimensions.

Spirituality as a fundamental dimension for livingfull life has to do with the metaphysical dimension, which spreads knowledge and information of new truths, outside and beyond the ordinary.

Our audience

Our audience

We address an audience that tends to search for knowledge and, at the same time, innovation

For this, we have chosen the astral figure of Orion (the ancient Sumerian name of Orion URU AN-NA means Light of the Sky), since the constellation of Orion personifies Cosmic Wisdom and Spiritual Knowledge, i.e. the keys to the enlightenment of Humanity.
With his bow pointed upwards towards new horizons, Orion, the Cosmic Warrior, emanates evolutionary vibrations and supports every human being ready to begin his ascension journey, in understanding the secrets and laws of the inner world, integrated into the Universe.

In summary, Orione fully represents our mission, making us bearers of new contents that can nourish and stimulate creativity in every individual, for the complete spiritual manifestation of being, through the opening of the heart and of the mind.

Go far away

May it be a time for you to walk and not stand still. Remember that man becomes what he contemplates. Don't stop to contemplate the empty screen of a PC, don't stop to contemplate the ceiling while you're lying in bed, don't stop to waste time thinking you're someone who can't change the world...

Duc in altum, make your life the best possible thing, make it unique because it will be the only one you have available and because you are only unique to the extent that you make unique choices: this is the meaning of HORION STUDIOS.